The css_xhtml head template is very similar to the xhtml head template. The only difference is that CSS that is included is specifically designed to provide the layout for the css_xhtml theme. The contents of head.ftl are: <link rel="stylesheet" href="<@ww.url value='/webwork/css_xhtml/styles.css' encode='false' includeParams='none'/>" type="text/css"/> <#include "/${parameters.templateDir}/simple/head.ftl" /> The contents of styles.css are: .wwFormTable {} .label { font-style:italic; float:left; width:30% } .errorLabel {font-style:italic; color:red; } .errorMessage {font-weight:bold; text-align: center; color:red; } .checkboxLabel {} .checkboxErrorLabel {color:red; } .required {color:red;} |